Step 2 – What could your plan cover?

Step 2 – What could your plan cover?

The list on Worksheet A sets out some possible issues that may or may not be relevant to your community. It also leaves space for you to add other issues important to you, or perhaps sub-versions of those in the prepared list. The aim is for you to print copies of the forms and share them at least with all on your Decision Group and then with others in your community; not everybody at this stage, perhaps just with leaders of various local groups and organisations, schoolteachers, doctors etc.

Everybody should fill in a form and you can then do a summary of the results (but keep the originals to share with your local authority contact). The summary could be done on another copy. Just doing this will tell you whether there are appropriate Place Plan issues for your community! (And if there aren’t, there are still things you can do; click here).