There is general information on funding in the Place Plan Toolbox and your own local authority may have other sources.
A Place Plan can be adopted by the local authority as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG), giving it some weight in the planning system.
A Place Plan can be used to enable positive and proactive input into the local planning system, offering your community more influence over planning decisions for your local area. The evidence and information which underpins your Place Plan can also be used to secure funding for identified actions and projects.
Find out more in the Communities – Before you start section
Take a look at the Community Involvement toolkit in the Place Plan Toolbox for a practical guide.
It is also crucial that you work closely with your local authority because they can then give your eventual plan some status, maybe even legal status. Find out contact information for your area in the Communities section of this website.
Depending on what your Place Plan addresses you may also need to involve other service providers to collect evidence or ensure that identified actions can be delivered.
A Place Plan as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) can address things related to land use, development and the built environment such as new housing, improving the town or village centre, building designs and local character, open spaces, local employment, local facilities… (these are just a few examples).
A practical worksheet is provided in the Communities section to help your community to define what issues your community faces and whether they are land-use related or not.