

About Us – Classic

We need your help to make a plan for Llanfairfechan!

Llanfairfechan Town Council is working with members of the community to make a new plan that will help inform and shape the future of your community. 

What is this plan?

This plan is known as a ‘Kickstarter Place Plan’.
It will describe what is special about Llanfairfechan and what the community would like to do to make our town even better in future. 

The plan will be published in December 2022 and will act as a starting point for either a full Place Plan or a Community Plan.

The preparation of the plan is being supported by Planning Aid Wales as part of a UK Government Wales funded project being led by Conwy County Borough Council.

Have your say!

There are a range of ways you can have a say about what should be in the plan:



Join us for one of our upcoming events in and around Llanfairfechan.


Share your comments on the interactive town map (Sign up first using the top right menu).


Take our online survey to share your thoughts about Llanfairfechan.



Click here to download more information about our art competition.



Submit your email address to receive the latest updates on the plan.

Plan Timeline

Here's a timeline of what has happened so far, and what events and milestones are coming up:

8th June 2022
Kicking off the Kickstarter Plan
First event - brainstorming!

A group of 20 or so residents of Llanfairfechan came together to brainstorm ideas on what they loved about the town and what can be improved.

Download a summary of the results here >>

18th July 2022
Gathering more views and testing the brainstormed ideas
Drop-in session

This drop-in session took place in the summer holidays and asked people for their views on a wide range of issues identified in the brainstorming session.

Results summary coming soon.

August 2022
Bringing the community on board
Community Planning Working Party formed

In order to ensure the plan is truly developed and owned by the community and not just the Town Council, a new Community Planning Working Party was formed. This Party will oversee the development and delivery of the plan and is made up of a wide range of community representatives as well as Town Council members.

Interested in joining?

Click here for more information>>

7th October 2022
Community action!
Community-led Engagement
Members of the Working Party held a stall at the Co-op and asked people for their views on the plan.
26th October 2022
Reaching people online
Community Engagement Website launched

This website includes links to an interactive map, art competition and survey; please share with the community!

10th November 2022
Bringing 4 towns together
Stakeholder Conference
There is no upcoming event
25th November 2022
Last chance to have your say
Last chance to have your say

This will be the last day where you can complete the online survey, interactive map and submit your entries for the art competition.

We'll then start bringing it all together.

11th December 2022
A draft version of the Plan will be launched
Launch of the full draft Plan

A consultation on the draft version of the Plan will be launched at the Festive Fair and will be available to download on this website.  More details to follow.

Can you help even further?

If you would like to be involved or kept informed on the progress of the Plan, including consultation and engagement events, please complete the form below.

If you prefer, you can contact us by either:

[email protected]
01248 681697
Cyngor Tref Llanfairfechan Town Council, Town Hall, Village Road, Llanfairfechan LL33 0AB

Contact us / Join our mailing list:
